Life-like animal replicas are set out on the course just waiting to be “taken down” by you. Enormous fun for the entire family. Bows, arrows, and other accessories are available for all of our hunters, big and small, to rent out.
After a short introduction, it’s time to go on the hunt. 28 targets await, including a moving one. Each of the targets is pegged out in different colors so that, based on ability, each archer knows the range to shoot from. The fascination of archery harmonizes body and mind, a great opportunity to discover a sense of renewed energy in the fresh forest air.
The course, located mostly in the forest, is useable in almost any weather. Sturdy hiking boots provide for a good stance. Introductory courses, groups, or a guided hike through the course is possible anytime with advance registration. Depending on the number of archers taking part, the course will take ca. 2 – 3 hrs. The trail is well marked and easy to find, but it is not a footpath.